Sunday, November 17, 2013

I'm Now on YouTube!

Hey Guys!

I have been working hard on filming and editing for 2 shows on YouTube. One is a show I am working on with my friend, Rosa and the other is my personal one for Tangled Fashion.
 Did you guys know editing and filming can take a good amount of time? Man, those vloggers make it look so easy but it's definitely time consuming, so props to YouTubers and editors out there!

Check out my video and let me know what you all thought, here's the link/URL:

I had a lot of fun taking my camera along and talking to you...well technically it wasn't live BUT once I put the videos together, it looks like I'm currently talking to you...I don't know if that makes sense but ANYWHO. 

This is what I look like waiting for your response/comments on my video by the way...
Please take a look at my first vlog video and let me know in the comments what you thought and if I should even continue to record. 

I hope you guys did enjoy it though because I have a lot of fun adventures coming up where I'd love to take you and vlog about :) 

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